Monthly Fuel and Rangeland Production Forecasts
Actionable geospatial intelligence for Rangeland Managers, Fire Specialists, Producers, and you.
News & Updates
Operational Once More
The VIIRS data pipe has been fixed. As a result, the future fuelcasting efforts will be using both VIIRS (for the near real time data) and MODIS (Aqua) for historical data. A new fuelcast will be available soon and we are paying special attention to monsoon situation in the SW US.
Stay tuned for exciting model advancements and new app features.
Migrating Operations is partly sponsored by the USFS who provides access to resources like Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud Platform. Unfortunately, this relationship has not provided researchers and collaborators with the access needed to leverage the high volume computing resources provided by Google Cloud Platform.
Throughout 2022 we have struggled with data issues with MODIS, VIIRS, and access issues with USFS-controlled cloud resources.
We have been constantly trying to adapt to new conditions presented to us, and we've been unable to provide the Fuelcast product as regularly as we had expected. Please keep in touch and know we are working relentlessly to bring Fuelcast back online.
The Fuelcast Team.
Upstream Data Pipeline Issues
Hello From the Fuelcast world.
You probably noticed a delay in production. One of the main data sources is the MODIS or VIIRS remotely sensed data. Both data sources have been problematic lately and run into significant issues of their own. We are working on a solution and next year this will be a non-starter as we are rapidly moving to a 30m solution involving the Landsat data stream.
If you have questions, please contact Matt Reeves at
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Get in touch!
Matt C. Reeves
Phone: (406) 546-5875
WebsiteMatt is a Research Ecologist with the Human Dimensions Program at Rocky Mountain Research Station specializing in the use of remote sensing and GIS to facilitate evaluation of contemporary issues facing US rangelands. Matt is keenly interested in facilitating management and administration of our Nation's rangelands and is pursuing numerous efforts to partner with the National Forest System to improve the quality and usefulness of Forest Plan Revisions.
Robb Lankston
Phone: (406) 414-6461
WebsiteRobb focuses on projects that leverage technology in innovative ways to answer natural resource management questions. Robb has more than 10 years of experience working with the Forest Service as an employee, a contractor, and a cooperator.